It didn't take two winks for my mind to hop, skip and jump to the real shaping of these stairs. Our thighs and backsides may not have changed much, but our hearts, souls and minds did. These stairs and all the time walking them at All Saints camp helped shape the O'Doyle children, now young adults, into the people they have and are becoming--people who have confidence, strength, courage and faith--people whose minds have been open to other perspectives in the world--people whose hearts have learned to love unconditionally--people who sometimes had to walk difficult paths but who walked them with hope even when it felt like just a sliver---people who know in their souls, even when the world tries to tell the otherwise, they are worthy and good---people who are on paths of self discovery and are striving to be the people God created them to be--people who want to be a part of bringing about God's kingdom in their own ways.
As the summer draws to an end and the "children" prepare to move into their next phases of life (Have I mentioned those phases include the states of Mississippi, Georgia, Virginia and New York?) I am once again reminded that God is always present to help shape us into the people God wants us to be. God uses the "ordinary," things like a burning bush or the stairs at All Saints. The ordinary becomes holy when we turn and look. I give thanks for these stairs and the paths to which they have led.
Oh, and the delicious food at the top...
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