20 January, 2021

Fake It Until You Make It

Just going to admit right from the beginning, this is just a bunch of rambling thoughts. Actually, it's three different thoughts that I know are somehow related.

This morning as I was drinking coffee and folding laundry I was trying to think about anything else than what our family has gone through the past few weeks. I was also watching the news and I heard this. "President-elect Joe Biden said yesterday, 'To heal we must remember.'" 

Shit...I don't want to remember.

Then I thought about mental illness and addiction and how I wouldn't wish it on any family but how at the same time I wish more people understood so the stigma and the shame would dissipate. (Like how I'm trying to use big words? What I really want to say is so it would f***ing disappear.)

Then I decided to ride the peloton and listen to a podcast I've been saving to listen to. It was on Hidden Brain and called The Secret Life of Secrets. Well worth a listen.

And now I have a fourth thought. I like to publish videos. I like to laugh and make other people laugh AND I like to be real. To be honest, I believe it's part of my call to be open and honest about the hard stuff of life. I haven't felt much like doing it lately, but although I haven't felt like it, I've missed it. So the fourth shorter version of the thought was, "Just fake it until you make it."

Here's what I realize. That statement is not just some goofy little feel-good statement. Or at least it's not for me. It's an expression of my faith. It's Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." in action. 

PS: While you're faking it, also be gentle with yourself. 

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