In August when we took Sarah Katherine to UVA, Chris, SK, Daddy, Marguerite and I all attended the legacy brunch. As we got our plates and made our way to a table I pointed out to SK people with whom I had gone to school. Daddy has been involved with the University far more than I so there were many people he knew, some I had met before and some I hadn't. As we were eating a woman approached the table. She was dressed in what appeared to be a "fancy" track suit. As she arrived at our table, Daddy stood up and hugged her. Marguerite did the same. I recognized her; I knew I should know her, and I began racking my brain trying to remember who she was. It wasn't coming to me, so I decided to just be honest. I stood up, "Hey, I'm Katherine. I know I have met you before and should know you, but I can't remember your name." She reached out to shake my hand and said, "It's nice to see you again. I'm Teresa Sullivan." (For those who don't know, that would be the president of the University of Virginia.) I sat back down and as she walked away my family burst into laughter. Defensively (and sheepishly) I said, "Well she isn't dressed like I would expect the president of the university to dress."
This past week as I was working on my sermon I kept thinking about how people didn't recognize who Jesus was. They were expecting a warrior king a Savior who would rule from on high full of majesty and glory, and instead the Son of God came as a poor carpenter's son. The Son of God came and ate with prostitutes, touched lepers, and stayed in the homes of tax collectors. They didn't recognize who Jesus was partly because he wasn't what they expected.
It makes me wonder, what expectations do we have that prevent us from seeing God? What expectations do we have of other people that keeps us from seeing the holy in front of us, that keeps us from seeing the holy in one another?
I wonder....
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